First method:
AcidBox MIDI layering with Massive.
The MIDI notes from the AcidBox sequencer will be sent to a virtual instrument or a hardware external instrument.
Create a new instrument track then insert AcidBox V2

Create a new instrument track then insert Massive

On the instrument track just created previously, select “AcidBox” All channels on the MIDI Input from the instrument panel

Then press the rec button to activate the MIDI input of the instrument track.

Press the space bar or the play button, the MIDI out of the AcidBox is now layered on the virtual instrument (here Massive)
Second method:
AcidBox MIDI layering with FM8.
The MIDI notes from the AcidBox sequencer will be sent to a virtual instrument or a hardware external instrument.
Create a new instrument track then insert AcidBox V2

Now create an “Aux Input” track

Insert your virtual instrument you selected to receive AcidBox V2 sequencer notes (here FM8)

Create a MIDI track

On the MIDI track just created previously, select “AcidBox” channel 1 on the Input from the I/O panel

Select the output on the I/O panel to receive the MIDI of AcidBox on the selected instrument (here FM8)

Then press the rec button to activate the MIDI track
Press the space bar or the play button, the MIDI out of the AcidBox is now layered on the virtual instrument (here FM8)